速報APP / 商業 / AT&T Landline Texting

AT&T Landline Texting



檔案大小:27.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


AT&T Landline Texting(圖1)-速報App

AT&T Landline Texting allows customers to send and receive text messages from an existing landline or toll-free phone number in the United States and Canada. If an AT&T Landline Texting customer allows you to access their account, you can use this app to read and reply to text messages sent to the landline or toll-free number.

Features of AT&T Landline Texting solution* include:

• Customizable Signature – Add a short personal message to outbound text messages.

• Auto Reply – Send an automated text message to anyone who texts into an enabled landline number. Auto Reply messages can be set for specified hours of the day/day of the week.

• Scheduled Texting – Send a text message to one recipient, multiple recipients, or a group at a specific date and time.

• Group Texting – Create a named group of up to 50 contacts and send text messages to the entire group.

AT&T Landline Texting(圖2)-速報App

• Picture Texts (MMS) - Send and receive images.

• Synced Experience - All contacts and conversation histories are synced between your computer, tablet, and smartphone.

• Additional features for Premium package customers - Easily coordinate with your co-workers on customer responses with:

-Unread Message Timer – Receive an alert so you never let a message sit too long before responding.

-Sent By Name – Messages include the sender’s name, so you can tell which colleague replied last.

-Is Typing Indicator - Shows that a colleague is responding to a message so you don’t have to.

AT&T Landline Texting(圖3)-速報App

*Applicable features based upon the AT&T Landline Texting package purchased.

By selecting and installing the AT&T Landline Texting application you agree to the AT&T Landline Texting End User License Agreement.

AT&T Landline Texting(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad